2 Easy Tips for Growing Your Facebook Audience

One of the most common questions out there is: “How can I grow my Facebook audience so more people see my posts? ” The real question should be: “How can I grow my Facebook audience so the RIGHT people- who are more likely to buy from me see my posts?”

I’d like to share with you two easy tips for growing your Facebook audience, that you can plan ahead for and that you will be invited to share.

First, it is important that you are in Facebook groups where your best customers are. We call these your IDEAL CUSTOMER. Hopefully, you have spent time, giving feedback and asking and answering questions. In other words,  building relationships.

Most of the time it not professional, or allowed, to share a post with a link to your page. You should not use this opportunity as a sales pitch. It is NEVER okay to poach on someone else’s group or page.

Here’s what you can do because they have offered the opportunity.

Tip #1- Share your Best Tips

Many groups will post asking you to share your best tips. They might call it “Tip Tuesday,” or “Share Saturday.” They might ask you to contribute a tip on a specific topic. They are using this to increase their engagement so it works for both of you.

The tip here is to plan ahead and have a Word doc where you collect and save several tips that apply to your business and your ideal customer.

Think about:

  • Pain Points your business solves for your ideal customer or
  • Frequently Asked Questions that you answer all the time.

When you have these prepared, save them in a folder on your computer desktop. Then, when you see the post, all you have to do is “cut and paste” into the comment section in the group.

Pay attention to what kind of response you get. The ones that get the best response can be used over and over and in other groups.

Tip #2- Have a collection of FREEBIES ready to share.

Groups will also post asking you to share your latest offering or best post.

Have a list of  FREEBIES that you can access easily and share. These could be:

  • Checklists
  • Helpful Tips
  • FAQ’s
  • A short article
  • A blog

Just make sure they are of interest to the group you are posting into.

For added benefit, link the FREEBIE from your website. This will give added exposure to your website and let them check out what you have to offer there.


Tips for growing your Facebook business boils down to this: make sure that you are matching your posts to the focus of the group. It has to resonate with them for you to get the results you want. These should NOT be sales pitches.  These should be providing valuable information that they can identify with.

What happens when you connect your message to the right group? You will become the AUTHORITY in your industry or field. It is then you will  see people go check out your page to find out more about you. If they like what they see they will begin following you. Then you can start nurturing  that relationship to convert them to buying customers.


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