
Welcome to Rhonda Lowe Consulting

where passion meets experience

in the world of entrepreneurship!

Rhonda Lowe sitting in chair



I’m Rhonda Lowe.

I am passionate about preserving the American dream

of owning your own business.


Where it all started:

I remember back to when I was 10 years old. We lived in a neighborhood with tons of kids around my age. We were always outside playing and hanging out and we were always looking for fun things to do when we were together.

Even then I was a never-ending source of ideas, some crazy and some close to genius (at least in my mind).

I got this idea to turn our garage into a roller-skating rink on Saturday afternoons. We all had those cool blue tennis shoe skates and just needed a flat place to skate.

I talked my parents into doing this and I got to work clearing stuff out and even making an area for a little snack bar. I went and bought candy bars and sodas and these giant dill pickles to sell.

When it was all finally ready, I invited the neighborhood kids to come skate and charged them a quarter each. When they got hungry or thirsty I was there to solve that problem as well with my snack bar.

Even though I had never heard the word “entrepreneur” it turns out that that was exactly what I was and was meant to be. There were many more entrepreneurial attempts during that time including putting on fashion shows, talent shows, beauty pageants and a carnival to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy.

I recognized right then and there that I loved putting my ideas out there and seeing if they would make me any money. I loved being the one to bring new ideas and opportunities to those around me.

It turned out to be true and I went on to start businesses from my early twenties on and now I coach entrepreneurs to start and grow their business with lessons I learned and simple step-by-step instructions on how to do that with less risk and more reward.

I found that with every business I started there were struggles and unexpected things I didn’t know but should have. Some of them cost me a lot of money. Some of them created unnecessary obstacles that slowed me down.


Fast Forward:

One day in 2016 I got to the place of wanting to move beyond the “doing” to the “sharing.”

It was then that I knew the lessons learned over the years had prepared me to work with helping others find the joy and satisfaction of owning their own business just like I had.

I began gathering the systems that had worked for me. I started creating step-by-step programs that would break this big idea down into manageable tasks.

 My coaching could be right for you if you are willing to put your idea to the test and do the work to create a business with less risk and more reward.

You Get Practical Steps to Guide You and Easy-To-Use Resources

I specialize in taking this really big job of creating that business, and breaking it down into manageable steps, done in the right order.
I believe in this: “Small businesses are the culture keepers and job creators of our communities.” I don’t know who first said this, but it sums up why I do what I do!
That means being set up properly to succeed, even against the “big guys!”
When we get that right, results will follow!

If you’re ready, then so am I. Let’s get started today!

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