Marketing Made Easy (Step 6)

Marketing Made Easy:

A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Your Business

Step 6


Marketing made easy is always a good idea, but when you are a new entrepreneur trying to do all you can to grow your business, it’s even more important.

That is why we are breaking this down into simple and doable steps.

So, Step # 6 is to create any print materials you’ll need such as brochures and information packets. Print materials might be super important for you and your business and maybe not so much for another type of business.

I like to think of these as “silent salesmen” because they can work on your behalf 24/7.

Consider the opportunities to present your business in this way and you might be surprised with how useful they can be.

Marketing Made Easy

Let’s start with Brochures

Here are some things to consider when planning your brochures. Before you even start you want to define what the purpose of any brochure will be.

  1. If it is a sales brochure, you will want to include details about products/services, pricing, and the unique selling points. What is important for the customer to know? You’ll want to include both features and benefits. Remember, features tell you what it is and benefits tell you how it helps you.
  2. Once they are printed you will want to place them in high-traffic areas like local cafes, libraries, community centers, and tourist spots.
  3. You might also hand them out at local events, trade shows, and conferences.
  4. Brochures can be highly effective if you send them to a targeted list of potential customers or clients.
  5. Finally, you might collaborate with complementary businesses to distribute brochures.


Then there are Business Cards

Business cards are still “a thing” even though we are also seeing digital business cards.

Here are some ways to utilize business cards.
  1. Hand out your business cards at networking events, meetings, and social gatherings.
  2. Place them at the checkout counter for customers to take.
  3. Leave your cards with complementary businesses that might have overlapping clientele or just like to support other local businesses.
  4. Another way is to attach a business card when sending follow-up letters or thank-you notes.
  5. Also, include business cards in packaged orders.

Next is Flyers

When done right, flyers can be strong sales pieces for your business. They are great for special events, introducing new products or services or new staff members.

It’s important to make sure that you get your flyers into the hands of your target market.

Here are some tips:
  1. Post your flyers on community bulletin boards, in coffee shops, and at local events.
  2. Distribute them door-to-door in neighborhoods close to your business.
  3. Use flyers to promote special events, sales, or new product launches.
  4. Partner with other local businesses to distribute flyers to their customers.


Then we have Postcards

One reason why postcards can be so beneficial is that people get less and less regular mail these days so your postcard has a greater chance of being seen than other types of marketing efforts.

  1. You can send postcards directly to a targeted list of potential customers.
  2. Use them to offer special discounts or promotions.
  3. Send thank-you postcards to customers after a purchase.


Finally, we have Door Hangers

Again, you want to make sure you are very strategic in where you will do this.

  1. Distribute door hangers in specific neighborhoods to promote local offers or events.
  2. Use door hangers to advertise limited-time promotions or discounts.
  3. So those are 6 ways to use print materials to see how marketing made easy could be for your business.


Here are some tips to help create great print products:
  • Make sure that all print materials have a consistent look and feel that aligns with your brand identity. Use the same colors, fonts, and logo across all materials.
  • Invest in high-quality printing to make a good impression. Poor-quality prints can reflect negatively on your business.
  • Include a clear and compelling call to action (CTA) on all print materials, directing potential customers on what to do next (e.g., visit your website, call for more information, attend an event).
  • Always include your business’s contact information, such as phone number, email, website, and physical address.
  • Tailor your print materials to your target audience. Consider their preferences and what information they find valuable.
  • Consider hiring a professional graphic designer to create your print materials. A well-designed piece can significantly enhance your credibility and appeal and generate greater results.
  • Use engaging and concise language. Highlight the benefits of your products or services rather than just listing features.
  • Use bold and attention-grabbing headlines to draw people in.
  • Use bullet points for easy readability and to highlight key information.


So, if you are just starting out and have a million things to do, start working on these ahead of time so when you are ready to open your doors, most of the work has already been done.

Now, that’s Marketing Made Easy!

For help with this, or any other part of your business, contact us today. We are here to help.


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