In-Store Promotions to Grow Your Business

We’ve established all kinds of reasons for holding in-store events in your store. These should be done throughout the year to present your brand as an active and fun place to be. Now it is time to talk about what to do to make these appealing and successful. Just as you would not throw a birthday party together for your child, so you should not throw together what is essentially a party in your store.

A Word of Caution

If the event is in the near future, don’t overwhelm yourself with a big, complex event. Start with a simple, but solid foundation of an idea that you can build on year after year. The real secret is to make this simple but really fun and engaging so it will leave an impression with your guests that will make them want to come next time.

Make a List and Check It Many Times

You will find a handy Checklist for Creating a Great Retail Event on our Learning page that you can print out and follow along.

First, the date and time are very important. You want to make sure that it is convenient for your regular customers as well as for potential new customers. Is that during your regular hours or will this be an extra-special event held after hours? If you are a retailer with limited or no staff, longer hours might not seem appealing but remember who this is for and what you hope to accomplish with the event.

Where you will hold the event might be easy or might be challenging if you are dealing with inclement weather or limited space inside your store. Holding an event in front of your store can attract attention to passersby and you just have to focus on getting them inside your store to see what you have to offer. Holding an event inside your store gives exposure to who you are and what you have to offer but you will have to plan effective marketing to make sure people know about it.

A catchy title or theme will attract more attention and make planning a fun event easier as your creativity  kicks into gear. If this is an annual event, make sure that people know that to continue what you have started on but include something new and exciting to make them put it on their calendar as soon as they hear about it.

Create a Marketing Plan

If it is important enough to host, it’s important enough to plan your marketing. Don’t skimp on this part of the planning. Think about every way you can possibly reach people with the news of what you are doing to create excitement and anticipation. You never know where someone will see the message so cover every possibility and start early and often.

Delegate, Delegate

If this event is going to be even a little complex, make a list of the things you can delegate. Give clear instructions and deadlines. Check in from time to time but remember, the idea is to take things off your plate as much as possible but still have a  memorable event.

Lists Are Your Friend

Once you know what you are going to do start making lists. Lists of things you will need, of people that will help, of marketing needs and contacts and vendors you will be working with and on and on. You’ll be glad you did.

Communication is Key

If you have staff or volunteers involved, make sure they are very familiar with the event. How it will run? What is the goal and what part will they play? The more they know the more they can help with the preparations, spreading the word and with being an integral part of the activities.

Wrapping it All Up

Once the event is over, and before your memory fades, sit down and think through how it went. What went well and what needs improvement. Ask your customers and your employees for their feedback and ideas for ways to make it even better. Create a file for each event with examples of marketing pieces and planning notes. Include these recap notes there as well.

One Last Thing

If this is going to be an annual event, go ahead and put it on your schedule for next year! This is how planning special in-store events gets easier and easier.

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