Maybe it’s time we show a little love when a business starts-up

Business Showers

I recently shared this meme on my Facebook page and, boy, did it get the wheels turning in my brain. If you have ever started a business, you know just how exhausting and time-consuming it can be. It can also be a very isolating experience as well. If you are starting as a “one-man-band”  you might feel this even more. BUT- that’s a whole other post!

So, I read the posts and started making a list of what would be ideas for gifts to a new business. I’d like to share that with you, but I would love to see what you would add to the list.

  • A motivational sign that will encourage them when they need it most
  • Some colorful sticky notes to capture thoughts and ideas- not to mention remind them of something they need to do- because who doesn’t love sticky notes anyway!
  • Gift cards (just imagine the possibility!)
    • Local restaurants for when there is no time to cook
    • Fast food restaurants for a quick lunch
    • Delivery service
    • Office Supply store
    • Starbucks or their favorite coffee place
    • If you have a business that would benefit them- a gift card for your business
    • A snack attack box filled with all the fun junk food when nothing else will do
    • Book store for them to find a good book
    • If they have young children, and you are close friends, maybe a coupon where you will take their children for a fun afternoon or maybe the evening so they can have the night out.
    • The car wash
    • Their favorite salon
  • Flowers or a plant are always a nice pick-me-up
  • A bottle of wine or their favorite beverage (they’ll have to go home at some point!)
  • Tickets to the movie theater or some other form of entertainment to encourage them to take a break
  • A copy of your favorite business help book

The idea here is not to make it expensive, but make it useful and thoughtful.

So what would you add to the list?

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