The Unexpected Stands Out

The Unexpected Stands Out

These are the words of a very wise man that I have followed for quite some time. Shep Hyken writes about creating great customer service experiences. It was in one of his newsletters that I saw this: “The Unexpected Stands Out” and it really got the wheels turning in my brain.

What is Unexpected in Your Business

As important as this is in the realm of customer service, I think can be applied to other areas of any business. It doesn’t matter if you are retail or service. We are all competing for that customer to spend their hard- earned dollars with us.

What would someone be surprised to find out about you after working with you for the first time? Some might say that they would be happy with the service they got or the product they purchased. Maybe they liked the feel when they walked in the door of your business. Those are all good, but in reality, those are more in line with what a customer “expects” to find when they do business with you.

Finding Your Unique Advantage

You have probably heard it called many things:

  • Unique Position Statement,
  • Unique Value Proposition or
  • Unfair Advantage.

What we are looking for here, and this can be hard, is what could you do or offer that would set you apart in such a way that it would be hard- if not impossible- for your competition to say about themselves? Maybe you never thought about this before, but it can be a game-changer for your business if you can get this nailed down.

It’s a noisy world we live in these days and it is harder than ever to stand out in the crowd. Finding something in your business to help you create the unexpected with your customers is the secret to standing out and being seen.

If you could use some help finding that for your business let me know.

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