Word of Mouth Marketing as Part of Your Marketing Plan and Strategy

people talking to each other

Word of Mouth Marketing

How often have your heard someone say that they use “word of mouth” to market their business? Maybe you have said it yourself. Some have even said that this is the only way they market their business. They are sure that their loyal, raving fans are the best way to advertise their business and bring new people in.

While it is true that word of mouth is probably the most powerful marketing, because it is giving that valuable “social proof,” it should not be the only way you market your business.

Here are some reasons why:

  1. You always want to make sure that you are using methods that will target your ideal client, where they are and in the language they understand. This will help your message be received by the right people in a way that resonates with them.
  2. People move away or pass away and that can erode your loyal fan base. You always want to be reaching new people to grow that fan base. This is one thing we often forget about our fan base. It is an organic thing that we have no control over.
  3. You want to control the message and focus of your marketing. This can only be done when you create the message and where it is delivered to. This is the most important of all.

So, the message of this blog is not to disregard word of mouth marketing. Embrace it and make it one part of your well-rounded and well-thought out marketing plan. An effective marketing campaign, and overall plan, will use a variety of methods to get your message out. You will decide the time it will go out and the method it will be delivered. Anything your word of mouth marketing delivers will be icing on the cake.

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