Being Consistent with Your Marketing

Planning Consistently

Being consistent with your marketing is a key element in a business’ success. Of course, there are other important factors, but consistency is what will create name recognition. Consistency with your marketing is what will build your audience so you can develop a trusting relationship. Consistency is what will showcase your expertise to new followers.

Here’s an example:

You go out to dinner at your favorite restaurant, and you fall in love with your entrée. A few weeks later you take a friend to the same restaurant, order the same meal, but it tastes different, and you send it back to the kitchen. Their lack of consistency in how your meal was prepared will now leave doubt in your head about that particular dish and possibly about the whole restaurant in general.

Doubt in a customer’s mind generally means you have to rebuild that trust again to show that they should continue doing business with you. It’s not impossible to earn their trust again but you’re basically starting from square one. Working your business consistently and focusing on superb content and excellent customer service will help to keep your clients happy and trusting in you.

Have you ever had this occur?

You opt-in to an email list that has great potential. You receive a few weekly emails and then nothing. Crickets. Then a month or two later you receive an email from that person again, making an offer to purchase their product. How does that lack of consistency make you feel? I’m guessing your first reaction would be, “Who the heck is this person?”

Lack of consistency will cause you to forget who they are and why you signed up for their list in the first place. Lack of name recognition generally leads to, “I don’t know who you are so why would I give you my money?” Again, this business owner just made themselves a much harder task to win you over again because they did not have consistency with their marketing.

Tips to Help You Be Consistent

As with most every aspect of business, the first step is to create a system. The trick is to make the system one that is easy to remember and easy to implement.

Here are a few tips:

  • Don’t try to be on every social media platform. Pick 2 or 3 that you know your target market is on and focus on those. 
  • Social media algorithms reward consistency. Schedule your posts at least once a day, every day, to make that work for you.
  • Identify the four core areas of content that will speak to your target market and build all of your content around that.
  • Create a file folder on your laptop for each of the four core areas where you can save the content you create.
  • Create evergreen content – meaning it can be used over and over.
  • Create your posts in a program such as Canva, that will provide you with great graphics to compliment your content.
  • Use templates to provide consistency and make content creation easier. For example: “Tip Tuesday,” where you will insert a simple tip each week. “Fun Facts,” is where you could provide insight into your business or products.
  • Once your posts are created, save them to the appropriate folder.
  • Set aside time each week to create and schedule your content.

If you’d like to learn more about how to create a consistent content, download this worksheet to help you get started.

Brainstorming Content for Social Media

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