Creating a Vision Board for Your Business

2021 Vision Board

Have you ever thought about creating a Vision Board for your business? This is often done when you are first thinking about starting your business, but it can be helpful at any stage of the game and for a variety of outcomes.

What is a Vision Board?

It is simply a focused, visual representation of your vision for your business. It can help you take a tornado of ideas and bring clarity so you can move forward.  You will also find that it can help you strategize and come up with creative solutions to obstacles along the way. The real secret is to keep it in a highly visible place so that it stays “top of mind” for you and you stay focused on making that vision a reality.

How can I use a Vision Board?

  1. If you are thinking about starting a business, a Vision Board is a great way to help you find visual clues of what you really want it to look and feel like. Who will be your ideal customer? What will your life look like if you are successful?
  2. When you are thinking about refreshing the look of your business a Vision Board can help you see what you would like for it to look like. You can focus on colors, furniture, signage, and ways to display your merchandise.
  3. You might be thinking of adding a new revenue stream to your business. This is a lot like when you created your Vision Board to start your business. You will show pictures of the ideal customer, what the product or service will look like. You can add pictures of what this will mean in the way of added revenue or financial security. Will it free you up to be able to do other things?
  4. Adding a new target market. Who will that person be that you are reaching out to? What are their demographics? What are their problems that your business will helping them with? Where will you find them to get your message to them?
  5. Re-merchandising all or part of your retail store. Look for pictures with ideas for creative displays and signage. Look at how unique props or colors are used to add attention to the display. What provides a real “WOW” factor that stops you in your tracks?
  6. Finally, Vision Boards should not be a “one and done” activity. Time changes our ideas and our goals so revisiting your Vision Board, at least annually. Look at the goals you had and decide if they are still working…. Or did you ever start them at all? What new things have you thought of that needs to be included. Some goals might need a tweak and some might need to be changed out altogether.

My Vision Board is done… what?

Getting your Vision Board done is the first step.

Now it is time to create an Action Plan. Start by putting your vision into categories. Do this on a spreadsheet or white board or piece of paper. I personally love using Post-It Notes where I can move things around.

The next step is to prioritize the goals. Some will mandate being done in a certain order because they have to be done before something else can be done. Others will require you to make choices based on available time and finances needed or what is necessary right away and what is not.

Next you will need to create a Strategy. What will it take for you to accomplish this. What is your timeframe to get it done. How much funding (if any) will you need and where will you get that?

Once you know this you can create a pathway that will get you from where you are to where you want to be with milestones along the way to keep you on track.

I hope this helps you see the power of creating a Vision Board for your business and that you will take that next step and get started. Here is my 4 Steps to Creating a Vision Board for Your Business to get you started.

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