Helpful Self-Care Tips for the Holidays

We are entering the busy, busy time of year for retailers. November and December are the times when the hours are long, the things to do are many and hopefully, the revenue is better than you expected. This is also a time when it is easy to forget to take care of yourself both mentally and physically.

For most, the response will be that there is just not enough time for self-care until January. You will probably be spending more hours than ever in your store, ordering inventory, going over last- minute plans for holiday events. You might be dealing with employees that need time off to go holiday shopping and cranky customers. Then there is the part about making sure displays are appealing and keeping the store clean and presentable. And did we forget anything- oh, there are the things you need to do for your family holiday. It gets stressful just thinking about it.

Self-Care: What it’s Not

Self-care is so important, and it must be more than just dropping into a recliner with a glass of wine after a 14-hour day. It must involve even brief spans of time when your mind gets a complete break from the triggers of stress at work.

Some Helpful Tips

  1. Change how you think about self-care. As entrepreneurs we are used to living in the moment and bouncing from one problem to the other. Self- care needs to become a priority on your list, not with whatever is left over. Find any stretch of time that you can block out as your time- no excuses, no debate. This means that you learn how to manage your time better than ever before and that self-care becomes an event on your calendar. The important thing is to then look forward to this time. To walk away from all the other distractions and problems and delight in the time you can focus on you.
  2. Find what that thing or things are that work best to help you unwind. Is it a bubble bath with candles, soft music and a glass of wine? Is it an early morning coffee date with a friend where no business talk is allowed? Maybe it is a walk alone or with your spouse where you can reconnect with each other or you have time alone with your thoughts. Maybe it is a weekly massage where there is nothing you can do but relax.
  3. Eating habits often suffer and when that happens it affects your mind and body as well. You might be eating on the run as you shuffle kids around, make deliveries or in a drive-through at 9 pm. You might find yourself eating at your desk rather than your dinner table and the food might be more along the lines of take-out than healthy choices. Try to make at least one meal a healthy choice- even if it means packing a healthy lunch. If possible, try and break away to a calm, outdoor space if weather permits and allow yourself to enjoy the new view and different sounds you will experience. Minimize the number of meals that you give up with your family during this time. Work will always be there. Find ways to prioritize and delegate as much as you can to give you that time with your family.
  4. Find an accountability partner that will help you keep each other in check. There is something powerful and freeing to have someone you can reach out to when you feel like things are spinning out of control. It will be good for you and good for them too.

Self-Care is Not a Selfish Thing- It is a Protective Thing

The holidays will be over before you know it and January will set in. Make sure that you have carved out the time that will help you move into the new year without feeling like you have gone though the wringer and unable to start the new year off as your best self.

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