How can retailers improve their social media?

Some might say this is the $64,000. question.

It’s probably more like the million-dollar question in today’s economy.

So how can retailers improve their social media?

You know you need to be on social media, and you give it your best shot when the demands of running a retail store give you a break. You are sitting here now trying to remember the last time you posted something.

No doubt you have probably discovered that is not really getting you any results- certainly not the ones you’d like to see.

Here are 3 really basic ways to get started


  1. First make sure you are really clear on who your target audience is. What are their problems you can solve? What do they want to know that you can answer? Choose two platforms that they hang out on. Get really good at understanding how those platforms work. For most, Facebook is at least one of them. Knowing your target audience will give you a clue as to what that second platform should be.
  2. Get consistent in your posting. Once a day, every day, will help you improve your reach. Algorithms reward consistency. Finding the right time of day to post is also important. You want to post when your target audience is there. Check out the Insights and Analytics on your business to help you know that.
  3. Provide content that is interesting and valuable to your target audience. Follow the 80/20 rule. 80% should be educational, entertaining, engaging or inspiring. 20% should be promoting your business. Make your page the “go-to” place for your type of business by making your posts interesting and relevant. This will definitely help you create engaging social media that will show improvement if you just stick to it.

How can retailers improve their social media?





For more tips check out this e-book written just for retailers. It is filled with more than 375 posts and prompts to help you create a robust social media presence.

Social Media Prompts and Posts for the Independent Retailer – Rhonda Lowe Consulting

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