Quarterly Business Check-Up

What’s the value in doing a quarterly business check-up? Take a little bit of time to do a check- in and check-up on your business. Doing this once a quarter will help you stay in touch with what is going on in your business and fix anything that is needed

Your Purpose

Revisit your “why,” the reason for you to start your business in the first place. How have the problems changed since then and how have your solutions to those problems changed?

Analyze the Current Market

How has your target market changed? How has your competition changed? What is your clear advantage over your competition and what is your new marketing plan going to be to address current marketing trends?

Your Financial Picture

Review your current revenue streams. Which ones are performing well, and which ones are not? Dig down to discover why. Can it be fixed, or does it need to be modified or eliminated? What new revenue streams could you add during this quarter?

 Review your pricing structure. Are your profit margins where they need to be?

Review your expenses. Have they increased or decreased? Can you find a way to trim unnecessary expenses? Can you find alternative vendors that will help you reduce costs?

Future Milestones

Explore each area of your business and set goals that will help you achieve growth and a firm foundation. Here are some areas to explore:

  • Financial- Set a new income goal for this next quarter. Set goals on any other areas such as reducing costs, adding in new revenue streams etc.
  • Customer Service- What could you do to improve customer service in your business? New training for your staff? Review your customer service policies and see if they need to be refreshed or changed in any way.
  • Work/Life Balance- Is your current situation the way you want it to be? What things need to be changed to help you achieve that balance?
  • Sense of Purpose and Personal Fulfillment- Has your sense of purpose changed over the years? Do the same things still matter as much- or at all? What brings you a sense of personal fulfillment? What needs to be changed to bring this into alignment?

Create a journal or document where you save your findings from your quarterly tax check in. Then you can refer back as you make the changes you have committed to. Your business will be better for it.

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