Surviving and Thriving: 8 Common Pain Points for Independent Retailers and How to Overcome Them

Independent retailers face a number of challenges that can make it difficult to survive and thrive in a competitive market. From attracting and retaining customers to managing finances, there are many pain points that can hinder growth and success. In… Continue Reading Surviving and Thriving: 8 Common Pain Points for Independent Retailers and How to Overcome Them

Be the Master of Your Message: How to Create a Killer Elevator Pitch, Mission, and Vision Statement

Have you ever wondered how important it is- or why you should even spend the time to create an elevator pitch, a mission statement or a vision statement? How do you create a “killer elevator pitch, mission or vision statement?”… Continue Reading Be the Master of Your Message: How to Create a Killer Elevator Pitch, Mission, and Vision Statement

Are YOU Coachable?

I have been a follower of Harvey Mackay since I first read his book, “Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive” in 1988. I recently read his post, “Are YOU Coachable.”   It caught my attention as a coach… Continue Reading Are YOU Coachable?