The Young Entrepreneur Coloring Book for those born to be an entrepreneur

Is your child born to be an entrepreneur?

The debate may never be settled scientifically, but as a parent you might be able to tell if your child was born to be an entrepreneur.

Does this sound familiar?

  • They are always looking for ways to earn a little extra cash.
  • They have no problem selling cookies or candy or anything else for that matter.
  • Nothing excites them more than creating a product or service that they can sell to others.

As far back as I can remember kids have been testing their entrepreneurial skills with setting up a lemonade stand or mowing yards or babysitting.

The proof is out there. Kids can come up with ideas that will lead to much success.


Did you know that kids as young as 4 years old have created businesses that made them millionaires?

What was the secret to this? These young entrepreneurs were entrepreneurs without even knowing what that meant. They probably couldn’t pronounce the word, let alone spell it.

For most young entrepreneurs, the businesses they create is born out of a need they see or a passion for something.

Young people who have role models in their life that are entrepreneurs probably have a little bit of an advantage. But there is something else that helps. That is having adults in their life that encourage them to be creative. They are taught to look at problems and look for solutions.

Generally, they are often found in positive and uplifting environments that provide a secure place to try new things- to test ideas.


My Story

Roller SkatingEverything I have said so far is something I experienced as a young child. I was the oldest of three children. My dad was a Pastor, and my mom was always a working mom.

My earliest memory of any attempt at being an entrepreneur was at 10 years of age. We lived in a neighborhood that had a lot of kids and we spent a lot of time together. I found that I was always thinking of fun things to do that would bring us all together.

One of those things involved turning our garage into a roller-skating rink on Saturday afternoons. I still am not sure how I talked my parents into this but maybe they saw something in me that I hadn’t quite identified. So, every Saturday afternoon during the summer the kids could come and skate in our garage for a small admission and they could buy snacks from my snack bar.

Other times I would organize a talent show or a fashion show or a carnival.

The point is not to brag here. Rather it is to illustrate what can happen when we instill in our young people that they can do and be anything they want. That creativity creates opportunities for fun and profit.

All those years of entertaining and providing opportunities for the neighborhood kids laid the foundation for future entrepreneurial pursuits as an adult. Some were winners and some were not. But they were all filled with lessons, and I knew that I would just keep working to find what I was meant to do. Those early years made me realize that I was meant to be an entrepreneur.


The Story Behind this Coloring Book

Young Entrepreneur Coloring BookI did not know it at the time but my passion for being an entrepreneur would become my passion for helping others do the same. I have had the opportunity to mentor others over the years and have ultimately become a business coach helping others realize their dream of opening their own business.

Until recently that was focused on adults. In the back of my mind though I kept going back to the amazing experiences I had as a young entrepreneur growing up. Memories that remained vivid in my mind and ones that I would share when I came across a young person exhibiting those same traits. These were often the kids not glued to a screen of some sort but rather they were tinkering with things or ideas.

Somewhere in my head, the lightbulb went on and I knew that I needed to do what I could to foster that opportunity for others, just in the way my parents had for me. I began working on a digital course to teach teens how to start a business. As parents would reach out with questions, I realized that maybe we need to plant the seed in much younger kids to help them grow up knowing they can be an entrepreneur if they want.

I started a list of things I had done as a young child to make money. Then I researched what other kids has done. The ideas continued to blossom, and I knew it was time to do something about it.

I am an idea person and cannot draw anything at all. But I knew someone who could, so we set up a meeting. I shared my idea with her, and she was on board!

She took the list and did some sketches to get the ball rolling. The rest, as they say, is history. The result is this Young Entrepreneur Coloring Book.

It’s digital so you can download, print out and enjoy with your child.


What can your child learn from being an entrepreneur?

So many lessons can be learned, even at a very young age, from being an entrepreneur.

  • Problem Solving
  • Money Management
  • Time Management
  • Communication
  • Math and Language Skills
  • Goal Setting
  • and so much more!

These lessons can help them succeed in school as they see math and spelling and problem solving in action. It also helps to engage both the left brain with math and sequencing and logic while engaging the right brain with visualization, imagination, and art.

It is our hope that this will inspire them to live a creative life and try new ideas out.


Here are a couple of sample pages.

sample page -Young Entrepreneur Coloring Book by

sample page - Young Entrepreneur Coloring Book by












If you would like to purchase this coloring book here is the link. It is a total of 20 pages, with 17 coloring pages of different potential money-making ideas. Check it out!

Young Entrepreneur Coloring Book


We’d love to hear your feedback.



2 Replies to “The Young Entrepreneur Coloring Book for those born to be an entrepreneur”

  1. Just ordered this today! I’m excited to gift this to my 11 year old granddaughter…I want her to be independent and successful young lady…and if this book gets her motivated its worth the money I spent.
    I have taken one of Rhonda’s business classes recently and I’m so impressed how easy she made things understandable for me,I’ve been in business for many years ,but I felt I needed to sharpen my skills up a bit,to my surprise I learned alot !

    1. Thank you so much for your purchase of the coloring book and the kind words. I hope your granddaughter gets lots of great ideas! You will be such a help to her!

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