There’s No Such Thing as 50/50 When it Comes to Work/Life Balance


Work Life Balance








We have all been told, as entrepreneurs or those in management positions, that you need to make sure you have “work/life balance” to be able to survive. That is true, and it is much harder for some than others, to even grasp the idea of “balance.” We often assume that to have balance you need it to be equal.  I’m here to argue that there is no such thing as 50/50 when it comes to Work/Life Balance!

If you admit (and maybe even embrace) that you are a “Type A” personality or a “workaholic” you know what I mean!

When the realization sets in

For many of us, this realization comes as part of a process. As we settle into running our business, or perhaps just learn a few life lessons along the way, we begin to see the value of living a multi-dimensional life rather than a life with a singular focus.

Driving it home

But back to my point: You will seldom, if ever, have a day where your life is in a 50/50 balance between your work and your personal life. Life just doesn’t seem to work that way. So, the goal is to be able to provide that “feeling” of balance overall in your life. Learn to compensate for the excessively hectic times by giving yourself a little grace during those times and counterbalance it with some down time as soon as you can.

Some days might be 80/20 or even 90/10 with work and personal. Other times you can flip it the other way and focus on the personal over work.

Finding balance in the busiest of times

For many of us, we will have much more of a struggle as we enter in to the next 3 months of the year. It might be the busiest of times for your business. Your family might have a significant increase in your obligations, both in time and money. It is often a time that comes with added emotional ties.

Here’s the takeaway

The biggest takeaway from this is to be aware of how you spend your time, since it is a finite commodity that you cannot get back once it is spent. And it is important to listen to your body and to the important people around you to see if you have moved out of alignment somewhere along the way. If you have, then take that as a sign that you need to do something different and start today.

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