Why You Need Relationship Marketing in Your Marketing Plan

Business owners everywhere incorporate marketing tactics every week and every month to tell the world about their mission and their products or services. Without marketing and without millions of dollars in their advertising budget, not a single soul would know they had a business, never mind want to make a purchase with them. That is why you need relationship marketing in your marketing plan.

Why? Because people purchase from those who they know, like, and trust.

They want to know:

  •  you’re a real person with real feelings instead of someone who only cares about the almighty dollar.
  •  you’re not a scam artist who will steal their last dollar without providing a product.


They want to hear:

  • recommendations from others who have purchased before them to be sure your product delivered what it promised.

People with purchase power want a relationship with you before they buy.

Relationship-based marketing gives you:

1. Visibility

In order to have a relationship with a single person or large audience, you need to interact with them.  Get to know THEIR likes and dislikes, know what problems they are experiencing, and think about how you can help them solve their problem. In order to learn this information, you’ll be forced to be consistent with your interaction, whether on social media or in real life, naturally giving you more visibility.

2. Authority

Do you share your knowledge with your audience, or do you save that only for paying customers? Sharing your knowledge, practical experience, and even case studies for free will position you as a knowledgeable authority figure and an expert in their field who cares about helping others. Platforms such as social media, podcasts, YouTube videos, or writing an e-book or short reports are all ways to both increase your authority rank and your visibility.

3. A stellar reputation

Can you see how Visibility and Authority build on each other and lead to a Stellar Reputation? As you interact with people and become an authority figure, your audience will naturally form an opinion about you. If you over-deliver with your products or your signature programs, your reputation will continue to shine. Overall, a stellar reputation will shorten the length of time it takes you to earn the trust of your audience or new followers.

4. Happy and enthusiastic fans

You’ll know you’ve made it when fans are clamoring for your latest product and tell all their friends how wonderful you are! This is the ultimate result of relationship marketing and worth all the time and effort it takes to reach this destination.

One key to remember is to never stop the process of building relationships. Like gears in a clock, you must find a way to consistently interact, show your authority, improve your reputation and take care of your happy fans. Keep these gears working to consistently grow your business for years to come.

Confused about How to Start Building Relationship?

Relationship marketing should be a win-win situation for both parties involved. You should gain visibility, authority, and happy fans, and your audience should be thrilled with the value that you deliver to them.


Social Media Made Easy

If you want to get more in-depth into relationship marketing and the steps you need to make this tactic work for you, then you’ll want to check out my upcoming mini-series called “Social Media Made Easy,” starting October 11th. It’s chock full of valuable information, including:

You are invited to join this 5-week online workshop.
Live 3-4 pm or On-Demand
Here is what you’ll learn:
Oct. 11- Create engaging content
Oct. 18- How to use Canva to create great posts
Oct. 25- Create a system for your content
Nov. 1- Create a content calendar
Nov. 8- How to schedule posts to free up your time.
Five Week Workshop $85


This will be done as a small cohort so you will be able to ask questions and engage with each other.

Can’t attend in person? Each session will be recorded and made available.

Space is limited.

Sign up at:



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