Your Network is Your Net Worth

Does the thought of networking send shivers up your spine? If you are an introvert, you might have that exact feeling when someone invites you to a networking event. To be transparent, I am not an introvert at all so when I read this statement from Keisha Mabry where she said, “Your network is your net worth,” it inspired me enough to do a blog about it.

With that being said, let me say that the world needs both introverts and extroverts. If you are an extrovert you might look at this blog and think, “ I am nailing this!” If you’re an introvert, you might not even want to continue reading this. I’d ask just to give it a chance because I think there is a way to make this work for you as well.

 The Difference Between Network and Networking

Networking is what you DO, and network is WHO you are surrounded by that supports you. Your network are the people who are not only going to be your customer, but they are going to be your evangelists in spreading the word about your business. They may, in fact, only be your evangelist if they happen to not be your ideal customer.

Let’s say that you own a baby shop selling adorable baby clothes and accessories. You have a friend or acquaintance who does not have young children. Maybe they are not in the age group that is having children or even grandchildren. But, they can be an evangelist for your business when someone in their sphere of influence is looking for just what you have. So, you might think of them as a “Customer, once removed!” Their reach is going where you aren’t currently going.

Networking is the way you maintain and grow your current network. It can be done in a variety of ways, but the idea is to continually be interacting and “feeding” your network by being present in their thought.

The Importance of Networking No Matter the Size of Your Business

I often hear people say they don’t need to network because  they’ve been in business for years, or they live in a small town and everybody knows they’re there. My response is always that you need to always be networking because your audience changes and their habits change. If you are not networking, you could find yourself forgotten as some other business takes over your place as “top of mind.”

There is More Than One Way to Network

The first thing to know is that networking does not have to take over your life and time. What you want to find out first is where your ideal customer is hanging out. That could be online or in your community- or both. The important thing is to find out where that is and make sure you are there too. If you want to start with small steps, pick one opportunity and commit to being there. Get comfortable and familiar in that arena and then consider adding another opportunity. Just be consistently participating and reaching out.

Some Choices Are Easier Than Others

  • First, EVERY business needs to have a website- no matter how big or how small you are. This can be a relatively passive way to network but what it does is to keep your name out there so when someone is searching for what you do, your business shows up. Even a basic website can meet this need by providing contact information and what products or services you sell.
  • Social Media- Almost every single person is on some social media platform. This takes us right back to knowing where your ideal customer is hanging out and that will tell you where you should have your presence. I always recommend that you pick two platforms to be active on, but make sure they are the ones that your customers are using, even if it is not the ones you are using. The beauty of social media is that it is FREE and relatively easy to use.
    • Let me drive this home: social media is meant to be SOCIAL. What could be more closely aligned to networking than that? When you think about how you are going to use social media then, make sure that you are actually engaging with your followers and talking their language and meeting their needs. More important than probably anything else is to be CONSISTENT! Posting once a day every day is more important than posting 5 times every now and then. Make consistently posting your goal, no matter how many posts that is.This is effective networking!
  • Networking Events- Your community might have “After Hours” or “Mixers” and these can be great opportunities to connect with your local community. I say “can be” because not all organizations create or run these events with true “networking” goals in mind. Don’t let that discourage you, though, because you can be in charge of how you are going to take advantage of the time you are there. If you go in with a plan of what you want to promote, how many people you want to talk to and your business cards or flyers, then you can “up” the event for you regardless of how it is run.
    • Sometimes these events attract your peers more than your customers. Don’t let that dissuade you. These are people that have other spheres of influence and they can become and evangelist for your business if you are top-of-mind for what you have to offer in products or services. What you should do is think of how you can adapt how your present your business if they are more likely to be your evangelist than your ideal customer.
  • Email Lists- This, and your website, are the two things that you have absolute control over. You control the message and you control the delivery and who will see the message. Social media platforms are effective, but you don’t own them. You have no control over who will actually see what you post. For that reason, growing your email list can be a perfect way to network and grow your business. Having a large email list means nothing if you are not using it to reach your potential customers. Admittedly, this can involve a little more work than simply posting on social media. This could take the form of sending announcements of upcoming sales or new products. It might also be a monthly newsletter offering “sneak peeks,” helpful tips, upcoming sales or testimonials. The value is in the content and delivery to people who want to know what you have to say and offer.


There is so much noise around all of us these days. We have texts, emails, social media plus all those TV and radio commercials. If you are not a part of what they are hearing and seeing your customers could easily forget you exist. Make a commitment to improve your networking skills this year and see how your business grows as a result.


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